[ Anatomy | The Body As A Weapon | Directions | General Terminology | Numbers / Numerical Order | Techniques | Basic Techniques | Tournament Terminology ]


Head & Neck

Ago Chin
Hana Nose
Atama Head
Kao Face
Gammen Face
Kubi Neck
Kuchi Mouth
Me Eye(s)
Mimi Ear(s)
Nodo Throat


Hara Stomach, abdomen
Hizô Spleen
Kata Shoulder
Kintama Testicles, groin
Koshi Hips
Mizô-ochi Solar plexus
Mune Chest
Rokkostu Rib(s)
Sakostu Clavicle
Senaka Back
Shinzô Heart
Sôkei Groin


Hiji Elbow
Kansetsu Joint (any)
Kobushi Fist
Kote Forearm (topside)
Te Hand
Tekubi Wrist
Ude Arm
Yubi Finger(s)


Ashi Foot, leg
Ashikubi Ankle
Ashiyubi Toe(s)
Futo-mom Thigh(s)
Hiza Knees
Kahanshin Lower body
Kansetsu Joint (any)
Sune Shin(s)
Tsumasaki Tips of the toes


The Body As A Weapon

Hands & Arms

Empi Elbow
Haishô Backhand
Haitô Inner knife hand
Hiji Elbow
Hiraken Flat fist
Hitosashiyubi Forefinger
Ippon-ken Knuckle fist
Ippon nukite Single finger spearhand
Keikô Chicken beak hand
Kobushi Fist
Koken Wrist top
Kote Forearm
Nakayubi Middle finger
Nihon-ken Two nuckle fist
Nihon-nukite Two finger spearhand
Nukite Spearhand
Seiken Forefist
Shotei Palm heel
Shutô Knifehand
Tettsui Bottom fist
Tôhô Sword peak hand
Uraken Backfist

Legs & Feet

Chûsoku Ball of foot
Haisoku Instep
Hiza Knee
Kakatô Heel
Sokutô Foot edge
Sune Shin
Teisoku Arch of foot




Age Rising
Chûdan Middle level (torso)
Enkei Circular
Gedan Lower level
Gyaku Reverse
Jôdan Upper level
Jûji Crossed
Jun Staight off shoulder
Mawashi Circular;turning
Morote Both hands
Naname Diagonal(ly)
Ôi Lunging
Oroshi Descending
Sayû Left & right
Shômen Front
Soto Outside
Tobi Jump
Uchi Inside
Yoko Side
-Happô- (eight directions from where all movement generates)
Mea Front
Ushiro Back
Migi Right
Hidari Left
Migi-mea Right foward
Migi-ushiro Right back
Hidari-mea Left foward
Hidari-ushiro Left back
Naname Diagonal(ly)


Chûdan Middle level; torso area
Gedan Lower level; groin and below
Jôdan Upper level; neck and above
Jôhanshin Upper body, above waist
Kahanshin Lower body, from groin down


General Terminology

Class Terminology

Ashi o fuite Shake your feet
Chikara irete With tension, with power
Fuite Shake (hands or feet)
Fumikonde Move (step) across floor
Hajime Start;go
Hantai Opposite side
Ibuki Forced tension (yang) breathing
Idôkihon Moving basics
Idô-geiko Moving basics
Kaiten Turning around; revolving
Kamaete On guard; take position
Kiai Primal yell; gut scream
Kihon Basics
Kime Focus
Kumite Sparring
Ippon kumite One step sparring
Jiyû kumite Free sparring
Jis-sen kumite Full contact; no holds barred
Mawatte Turn around
Mokusô Eyes closed for meditation
Naore Return to start
Osu I understand; term of respect and acknolegment to others
Rei Bow
Seiza Kneeling position
To o fuite Shake your hands
Ura In reverse; backwards-where techniques are done stepping arround behind instead of straight foward, and then continuing from here
Yakusoku Pre-arranged
Yame Stop, finish
Yasume Rest; at ease
Yôi Ready
Yuk-kuri Slowly


Numbers / Numerical Order

Ichi 1
Ni 2
San 3
Chi / yon 4
Go 5
Roku 6
Shichi / nana 7
Hachi 8
Ku / kyû 9
Nijû 20
Sanjû 30
Yonjû 40
Gojû 50
Hyaku 100
-do Degrees
Hyaku-hachijû-do 180 degrees
Kyûjû-do 90 dregrees
Yonjûgo-do 45 degrees
-kai Times
Ik-kai Once
Nikai Twice
Sankai Three times
Yonkai Four times
Gokai Five times
Rok-kai Six times
Nanakai Seven times
Hak-kai Eight times
Kyû-kai Nine times
Juk-kai Ten times
Gojuk-kai 50 times
Hyak-kai 100 times




Ashi barai Foot sweep
Barai Reap; parry
Chokuzuki Staight (direct) punch
Enkei Circular
Geri Kick
Gyaku Reverse; opposite
Jûji Crossed
Kake Hooking
Kekomi Thrusting kick
Keri-waza Kicking techniques
Kizami Jab
Morote Two handed
Nage Throw
Ôi Lunge
Taoshiwaza Takedowns
Tobi Jump
Tobi geri Jumping kick
Tsuki Punch
Uke Block
Uke waza Bloking techniques
Waza Technique


Basic Techniques


Seiken Forefist
Chûdan tsuki Middle punch
Jôdan tsuki Upper punch
Ago uchi Chin strike
Mawashi uchi Roudhouse punch
Uraken Backfist
Uraken shômen uchi Backfist strike to front
Uraken sayû uchi Backfist strike to side
Uraken hizô uchi Backfist strike to spleen(ribs)
Shita uchi Rip to pit of stomach
Hiji Elbow
Jôdan hiji ate(uchi) Elbow to head
Chûdan hiji ate(uchi) Elbow to midsection
Hiji age uchi Rising elbow strike
Uke Blocks
Jôdan uke Upper block
Chûdan uchi uke Middle inside block
Chûdan soto uke Middle outside block
Gedan barai Downward parry
Chûdan uchi uke/gedan berai Simultaneous inside block and downward parry
Shutô Knifehand
Shutô gammen uchi Knifehand strike to head
Shutô sakotsu uchi Knifehand strike to clavicle
Shutô sakotsu uchikomi Driving knifehand to clavicle
Shutô hizo uchi Knifehand strike to spleen
Shutô uchi(kubi)uchi Inside knifehand to neck
Keri(geri) Kick
Uchi mawashi geri Inside crescent kick
Soto mawashi geri Outside crescent kick
Mea keage Rising front kick
Hiza geri Knee kick
Kin geri Groin kick
Mea geri Front kick
Mawashi geri Roudhouse kick
Yoko keage Rising side kick
Yoko geri Side kick
Kansetsu geri Joint kick
Ushiro geri Back kick


Tournament Terminology

Aka Red
Aka no kachi Red victory
Awasete ippon Point totalling ippon
Chûi Warning for illegal technique
Enchô-sen Extension bout
Fukushin Corner judge
Genten Minus point for fouls
Hajime Start
Hansoku chûi Official warning
Hansoku make Loss by disqualification
Hantei Decision (of judge)
Hantei onegaishimasu "judge decision please"
Hata Flag
Ippon Full point
Jô-gai Outside fighting area
Jô-nai Inside fighting area
Jun-yûsho Runner-up
Kachi Victory
Ni-in Second place; runner-up
Sekai taikai World championships
Shiai Tournement; match
Shiai-jô Fighting area
Shik-kaku Disqualification
Shinpan(-in) Judge, referee
Shiro White
Shiro no kachi White victory
Shushin Centre referee
Tameshiwari Board breaking
Waza-ari Half point
Yame Stop
Yûsei kachi Win by superiority
Yûsho First place
Zenkoku taikai National championchips
Zokô Continue fighting